JULY 29:

Nice signed copy of Nesmith on the Omnibus label:

This came up on ebay a while back.

Corrected the release date for the solo Nez Edan 1001 single,
I didn't realize it was a reissue from April '67, much like Micky's "Don't Do It" on the Challenge label;
a quick cash-in on their new popularity.

Completed a page on Micky's discography on the MGM label.
This list was started by Joe Alterio and I've updated it and made a few corrections.
He recorded 28 songs over a 3 year period, only 10 of which ever saw release.

Summers are always very slow for finding new records....but still have some on the way from
Mexico, South Africa, Portugal, Australia and the some Nez productions on the Dot Label.


JULY 11:

Found an original "Who Was It?" Davy Jones ad from MGM records.
I cropped the pic so it can be read a little better:

IMO not as good as this one from Bell Records:


and here is another promo from the Philippines:


JULY 10:

The promo picture sleeve/record from Germany for "Last Train To Clarksville":

I previously had this on my site, but the pics were from my friend Kai Dressler,
as I had never seen one of these for sale. Even though this sleeve is hyping
"Take A Giant Step", 'Last Train' is the song that charted.

To the best of my knowledge, Germany only had these 4 promo sleeves.



Peru picture sleeve (RCA-670) for "I'm A Believer":

Of the first six singles this one has been the hardest to find, for some reason.
I had just recently located the single itself, so nice to be able to put this set together.
This version has the Spanish logo "los Monkees".

Here is the alternate sleeve (RCA 85-670) with the traditional "The Monkees" logo:

Starting with this picture sleeve/record and going forward, an "85-" is added to the catalog number.
So "RCA-670" becomes "RCA 85-670".



Nesmith's "Joanne" from Japan. Tough to find picture sleeve.


I also added new sections covering his early, pre-monkees records:


And the Dot tapes for "The Wichita Train Whistle Sings":


And finally the RCA 8 tracks, including the 2 Quad 8 tapes:

Many thanks to Kevin Schmid and others (you know who you are) for many of these pics!

Summertime is slow for finding records, so this year I've been working on the solo sections of my site.
I think I've finished Davy and Michael, so now on to Micky's.

Still got some records coming from Peru, India, Germany and one more from the Philippines.