This EP was used in jukeboxes and patterned after
the two USA six track Little LPs.
It features their first 6 A-side singles, except they substituted
"I'll Be Back Up On My Feet Again" for "Last Train To Clarksville".
"Daydream Believer" does not have the
spoken dialog at the beginning.
This stereo version "Pleasant Valley Sunday"
has a 30 second edit to shorten the song to 2:46.
Released in August 1968
Valleri/A Little Bit Me, A Little Bit You/Pleasant Valley Sunday/
Daydream Believer/
I'm A Believer/I'll Be Back Up On My Feet
Test Copy
Dated August 13, 1968
This early test copy has "Daily Nightly" which was
replaced by "Pleasant Valley Sunday" on the final release.
Akira Suzuki:
"By the time this EP was issued the popularity of the Monkees was fading
and only 500 or so were made before it was discontinued.
It is the only German EP on the RCA label. "
Kai Dressler:
"EPs weren’t very popular in West-Germany. They didn’t sell well.
All German Beatles-EPs are very hard to find and very, very expensive.
Usually German EPs only had 4 tracks and were played at 45rpm.
It’s a little bit sad that the German Monkees-EP didn’t get an individual picture sleeve.
Maybe it was released for some American GI’s which were stationed in an US Army Base
placed in West-Germany or special US-Army radio stations for the GIs."